About the StarFish Video Project

Since 2016, the StarFish Video Project has used short videos to connect hard-working, under-served families around the world with those of us who, with a small contribution, can make a significant difference in their lives. Follow-up success story videos of the families allow donors to directly see the difference their compassion makes.

The StarFish Video Project is a fiscally sponsored project of Marinlink, a California non profit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service #20-0879422. All donations received are fully tax-deductible and a receipt to that effect will be issued.

Founder George Rosenfeld was shooting a documentary about poverty in India in 2010, when he met a family living on the sidewalk in Old Delhi. The mother had brought her two children from a village in Northern India for medical help, and they ended up stranded on the streets of Delhi.  The 13-year-old blind daughter was begging from a wheelchair so that they could earn about $1 a day just to eat, and they slept on a tarp and blanket on the sidewalk. The mother couldn’t find a job, but she was very willing to work to help the family if she could. Their plight touched George and with the help of a friend at home and a social worker in India, they set the mother up with a merchant cart shoe business, got the kids registered for school, and rented them a room with water and electricity for 6 months.  This initial investment was $1500. 5 years later, the business has thrived; the children are healthy and developing with their education.

With the support and encouragement of friends and associates, George decided to use his video skills to start an organization which will to allow middle-class Americans to reach out and offer a hand up to deserving third-world families that need a little help. Because of the difference in economies, we get a lot of bang for the buck, and a small amount of money can change a family’s life forever. With the help and support of many friends, the StarFish Video Project is now actively realizing this goal. Please join us on this amazing journey!